> W / IN

> W / IN (Greater Within), the Social Impact arm of Courtney Smith & Co.

Leveraging our expertise to service those committed to making a difference


The last few years have often magnified where systems are broken and new perspectives, opportunities and solutions need to emerge. 

> W / IN, the Social Impact focused arm of Courtney Smith & Co., acts as a bridge between the old and new worlds through our expertise, experience, and deep network. 

We focus on areas we are passionate about, build solutions where we see new opportunities and work alongside bold Founders to support their forward- thinking vision for a regenerative future. 

We believe that an inside-out approach creates the greatest foundation for long term success. Launching a business, fundraising and balance with all else; can stretch and test all parts of us. 

This is why we look to support those founders and leaders who prioritize their personal work as we know there can be greater impact when the process begins within.